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Luissa and Rosanne met during a trip to India in 2019. They were invited along with seven other social conscious leaders to take part in a transformation trip. This trip involved visiting the Earth Saviours Foundation in Delhi, Mother Miracle School in Rishikesh and also a visit to the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamshala for a private meeting with His Holiness.
During the trip Luissa and Rosanne realised they had shared interests. Rosanne is passionate about the education of youth and nature and Luissa is passionate about ecological preservation and human health.
Rosanne believes that young people are the most important platform for communicating our mission. “At present we see that education is primarily performance-orientated. We inspire the youth to make their own dreams come true. We want to make the youth aware that all strength is already within them, and they can really make a difference. We want them to treat themselves, others and nature with respect. We teach them to dare to make their own choices and thus become more conscious in life. We bring humanity and nature together to Boost The World”.
Luissa has a vision to regenerate the earth using a technique called permaculture. Her goal is to create permaculture schools around the world to help people to grow their own food and live a regenerative and sustainable lifestyle. Permaculture can take dry, arid and desert land and turn it into thriving, abundant land using the present nature. She wants to start the project in places that need it most especially in Africa where they are affected by drought. The urgent need for this will only worsen with global warming.
Luissa and Rosanne will combine this form of schooling and education with an attached permaculture garden. Excerpt taken from the Desert Bloom Farm crowdfunding project, “34% of our planets’ land surface is desert or arid land.That percentage is growing due to unsustainable farming practices. Over 2 billion people live in these lands, most without the means, knowledge and skills to deal with the growing desertification and the related localised climate changes.”
We CAN reverse desertification and build resilient and long term ecosystems. We CAN provide the world with nutritious, healthy, organic food. We CAN regenerate land on earth. We CAN turn deserts into abundance. We CAN teach others to do the same so that they can live sustainability now and far into the future. We CAN feed ourselves and protect the planet at the same time. We CAN bring this to those most in need. We CAN educate the youth to be empowered as well as conscious to the environment. We CAN create a generation of “role models”, visionaries and change-makers. We CAN put our egos aside and work as a community for a better world for all. We CAN transform 1111 villages. “Those who believe they can change the world are the ones who will”……. Together we CAN Boost The World.
Luissa Burton and Rosanne Zalingen with the Dalai Lama at his residence.