LADY Louise Wessex has been spotted driving Prince Philip’s beloved carriage he left to her following his death.

The late Duke of Edinburgh taught his 17-year-old granddaughter the equestrian sport and decided to give her his Fell ponies.

Prince Philip, who died at the age of 99 in April, was an expert carriage driver and represented Great Britain in three European Championships and six World Championships.

He turned to the sport after giving up polo at the age of 50 in 1971 due to what he called his “dodgy” arthritic wrist, and competed at events up until 2003.

Louise, who is Prince Edward and Sophie Wessex’s daughter, shared his love of horses and Philip taught her how to carriage drive.

Today, she was snapped driving Philip’s carriage through the grounds of Windsor Castle with the pair of black Fell ponies he also left to her.

His pair of cherished ponies, Balmoral Nevis and Notlaw Storm, were at the forefront of his funeral, standing ahead of his polished dark green four-wheeled carriage as his coffin made its way to St George’s Chapel.

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The two ponies, who were both born in 2008, were accompanied by two of Philip’s grooms as the procession began.

Balmoral Nevis was bred by the Queen.

The aluminium and steel carriage was designed by the Duke eight years ago for riding around Windsor and other royal estates.

It can seat four people at maximum capacity and can harness up to eight horses.

It has two padded black leather seats and a clock mounted on brass at the front, which features an inscription commemorating the gift of the timepiece.

The clock was presented to Prince Philip by the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars in October 1978 to mark his 25 years as their Colonel-in-Chief.


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